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Roku Smart Home Smart Light Strip SE 32.8 Foot with 16 Million Color Options, White Light Option, and Custom Presets
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Roku Smart Home Smart Light Strip SE 32.8 Foot with 16 Million Color Options, White Light Option, and Custom Presets

Product ID: 479025120
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Roku Smart Light Strip SE set the scene in any room with 16 million color options, plus adjustable temperature and brightness. Custom presets create cinematic backlighting for movie nights, game days, dance parties, and more. Setup is a snap—just peel, stick, plug, and connect with your Roku Smart Home app for effortless control. Sync your Roku Smart Light Strip SE to your schedule so they come on automatically, or you can control your light strip using just your voice with an Alexa, or Google Assistant-enabled device. Pick a color, any color: Easily set the mood for game day, your next party, or just a night when you’re feeling blue (literally). Choose from 16 million options. Stick anywhere: Behind your TV, under your bed, across your ceiling, beneath your cabinets. Easily splash any room with color. Trimmable to fit your space. Custom presets: Save your favorite settings as presets, so you can change your lighting in a tap, or connect an Alexa or Google Assistant-enabled device to control with your voice. Music Sync: Sync your lights to the beat of your favorite music with your controller’s built-in microphone. Adjust brightness & temperature: Set the mood with just the right brightness and temperature. Effortless scheduling: Your home should run on your schedule. Have your lights turn on/off and even change brightness and temperature at specific times. Vacation mode: Keep your lights on a varied schedule so it always looks like someone’s home. Multi-strip sync: Control individual strips, rooms, or your entire home with the Roku Smart Home mobile app, Alexa, or Google Assistant. Sleep mode: Wake up to a warm sunrise hue, then drift off at night to a cool sunset with brightness that gradually adjusts on its own. Google and Google Home are trademarks of Google LLC. Google Assistant-enabled device required. Third party features and services may be subject to change or removal without notice.

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Farhan Q.

The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

2 months ago

Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

2 weeks ago

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