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Pit Boss Platinum Laredo 1000 Sq. in. Wifi Enabled Wood Pellet Grill and Smoker
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Pit Boss Platinum Laredo 1000 Sq. in. Wifi Enabled Wood Pellet Grill and Smoker

Product ID: 460416693
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"Level up your grill game with the Laredo Platinum Grill from Pit Boss Grills. The Laredo is an advanced wood pellet grill and smoker with Pit Boss Grill innovative Smoke IT Technology. Using the smart, fully-digital control board, and the easy-to-use app, you can manage your grill directly from your smartphone. Take advantage of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technology and 8-in-1 cooking versatility to grill, smoke, bake, braise, roast, sear, char-grill, or barbecue with precision. You can also receive direct access to the Key Component Alert System, to know when you are running low on pellets or have an auger jam. As well as PID (proportional–integral–derivative) and Cycle Programming, for even temps and maximum smoke flavor.   The Laredo features a premium crafted, heavy-duty build to achieve temperatures of 180° to 500° F. With the simple slide-plate flame broiler lever, you can go from low and slow indirect heat to 1000°F direct-flame access – instantly to your food cooking on our porcelain coated cast iron cooking grids. You can also enjoy built-in grill lighting for night-time grilling, a removable front ash tray, and two stainless-steel meat probes to have internal temperature readings sent directly to your phone and grill. " Pit Boss Platinum Laredo 1000 Pellet Grill Wood Pellet Grill and Smoker 1006 Square Inches of Cooking Area Smoke IT Technology Use Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capability from Smoke IT App Heavy-Duty Stainless-Steel Build 180° to 500° F Temperature Range Robust 8-in-1 Cooking Versatility Grill, Smoke, Bake, Braise, Roast, Sear, Char-Grill, and Barbecue Fully Digital Control Board Key Component Alert System PID Technology Adjustable Slide-Plate Flame Broiler Built-in Grill Lighting for Night Time Grilling 26 lb Hopper Capacity Built-in Ash Clean-out System Two Stainless-Steel Meat Probes Included.   Porcelain Coated Cast Iron Cooking Grids Easy Access Hopper Cleanout Fueled by 100% All-Natural Hardwood Pellets

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Fatima A.

Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

3 days ago

Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

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