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FDC 96% Pure Calcium Chloride DUST Down PRO Pellets (Controls dust on unpaved Dirt & Gravel Roads) 5 Gallon Pail
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FDC 96% Pure Calcium Chloride DUST Down PRO Pellets (Controls dust on unpaved Dirt & Gravel Roads) 5 Gallon Pail

Product ID: 42675401
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Use Dust Down Pro Pellets to control dirt on unpaved roadways. Our pure calcium chloride formula can improve driver visibility, prevent property damage, and stop dust and dirt from entering your nose and mouth. It's time to leave dust...well, in the dust! Order Dust Down Pro and tame your wild roadways today. Various forms of calcium chloride have been used to control dust on gravel roadways for over 100 years, improving safety and comfort for travelers while reducing maintenance costs for road managers. Solid calcium chloride products may be spread directly, or dissolved in water and spread as a liquid. In the U.S., the most common liquid concentration used for dust control is 38%. DIRECTIONS: Liquid Solutions: Simply mix 3.5 lbs of Calcium Chloride Pellets for each gallon of water. Add Calcium Chloride Pellets slowly to water while stirring. CAUTION: Solution will get very hot, Handel with care. Wait for solution to cool before transferring liquid into sprayers. Note: For best results apply evenly at a rate of 20 Gallons per 1000 Square Feet of surface area. Dry Pellets: For best results wet surfaces before applying dry pellets. Apply evenly with rotary spreader at a rate of 100 lbs per 1000 square feet. Water the treated areas occasionally to reactivate the initial treatments. For best results repeat treatment every 3 to 6 months depending on severity of the dust.

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago

Farhan Q.

The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

2 months ago

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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