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Explore the finest Abramovic Marina products crafted for quality, innovation, and style.

Walk Through Walls: A Memoir

Walk Through Walls: A Memoir

Marina Abramović (Routledge Performance Practitioners)

Marina Abramović (Routledge Performance Practitioners)

Marina Abramovic: The Cleaner

Marina Abramovic: The Cleaner

Psychoanalyst Meets Marina Abramovic: Jeannette Fischer Meets Artist

Psychoanalyst Meets Marina Abramovic: Jeannette Fischer Meets Artist

Marina Abramovic: Writings 1960 - 2014

Marina Abramovic: Writings 1960 - 2014

Marina Abramovic

Marina Abramovic

Marina Abramovic und Ulay Relation Works. Innerhalb des Entwicklungsprozesses der europäischen Performance

Marina Abramovic und Ulay Relation Works. Innerhalb des Entwicklungsprozesses der europäischen Performance

Marina Abramovic (Art File)

Marina Abramovic (Art File)

Marina Abramovic: Writings 1960–2014

Marina Abramovic: Writings 1960–2014

The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen & Marina Abramovic

The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen & Marina Abramovic

Marina Abramovic: A Visual Biography (-)

Marina Abramovic: A Visual Biography (-)

Marina Abramovic: Performing Body (I Libri Di Zerynthia)

Marina Abramovic: Performing Body (I Libri Di Zerynthia)

Marina Abramovic: The Cleaner

Marina Abramovic: The Cleaner

Marina Abramovic: 7 Deaths of Maria Callas

Marina Abramovic: 7 Deaths of Maria Callas

Psychoanalyst Meets Marina Abramovic: Artist meets Jeannette Fischer

Psychoanalyst Meets Marina Abramovic: Artist meets Jeannette Fischer

Marina Abramovic: Gates and Portals

Marina Abramovic: Gates and Portals

Walk Through Walls: A Memoir

Walk Through Walls: A Memoir

Grenzerfahrung als Kunst. Die Performances der Marina Abramovic: Körpererfahrung im Kunstunterricht (German Edition)

Grenzerfahrung als Kunst. Die Performances der Marina Abramovic: Körpererfahrung im Kunstunterricht (German Edition)

Marina Abramovic: 7 Deaths of Maria Callas

Marina Abramovic: 7 Deaths of Maria Callas

Marina Abramović

Marina Abramović

Marina Abramovic: Nomadic Journey and Spirit of Places

Marina Abramovic: Nomadic Journey and Spirit of Places

The Marina Abramovic Method: Instruction Cards to Reboot Your Life

The Marina Abramovic Method: Instruction Cards to Reboot Your Life

Marina Abramovic: 7 Deaths of Maria Callas

Marina Abramovic: 7 Deaths of Maria Callas

Scheidegger and Spiess Psychoanalyst Meets Marina Abramovic: Artist meets Jeannette Fischer Hardcover – Illustrated, 15 February 2018

Scheidegger and Spiess Psychoanalyst Meets Marina Abramovic: Artist meets Jeannette Fischer Hardcover – Illustrated, 15 February 2018

Marina Abramovic - Dream Book

Marina Abramovic - Dream Book

If I Could Tell You Just One Thing...: Encounters with Remarkable People and Their Most Valuable Advice

If I Could Tell You Just One Thing...: Encounters with Remarkable People and Their Most Valuable Advice

Performance. Was ist Kunst an Performance-Art? Analyse der Performance "Rhythm 0" von Marina Abramović

Performance. Was ist Kunst an Performance-Art? Analyse der Performance "Rhythm 0" von Marina Abramović

Portrait of an Artist: Conversations with Trailblazing Creative Women

Portrait of an Artist: Conversations with Trailblazing Creative Women

Akademie X: Lessons in Art + Life

Akademie X: Lessons in Art + Life

Marina Abramovic: Art, Love, Friendship. Marina Abramovic and Ulay

Marina Abramovic: Art, Love, Friendship. Marina Abramovic and Ulay

The Museum Visitor Experience at Marina Abramovic's The Artist is Present

The Museum Visitor Experience at Marina Abramovic's The Artist is Present

Performance in Contemporary Art

Performance in Contemporary Art

Die Performances der Künstlerin Marina Abramovic im Kunstunterricht: Performatives Handeln als Weg zu neuer Selbstwahrnehmung bei Schülerinnen und Schülern

Die Performances der Künstlerin Marina Abramovic im Kunstunterricht: Performatives Handeln als Weg zu neuer Selbstwahrnehmung bei Schülerinnen und Schülern

The Ugly Duckling: A Fairy Tale of Transformation and Beauty

The Ugly Duckling: A Fairy Tale of Transformation and Beauty

Marina Abramovic: The Bridge

Marina Abramovic: The Bridge

Perspektiven der Wirksamkeit des performativen Nichttuns am Beispiel von Marina Abramovics "The Artist Is Present"

Perspektiven der Wirksamkeit des performativen Nichttuns am Beispiel von Marina Abramovics "The Artist Is Present"

The Museum of Modern Love

The Museum of Modern Love

Marina Abramovic: Art, Love, Friendship. Marina Abramovic and Ulay

Marina Abramovic: Art, Love, Friendship. Marina Abramovic and Ulay

Woher die Energie nehmen? Energiefragen rund um Marina Abramovic oder Schmerz als Energieträger

Woher die Energie nehmen? Energiefragen rund um Marina Abramovic oder Schmerz als Energieträger

Sophie Whettnall (at) Work

Sophie Whettnall (at) Work

Marina Abramovic: The Kitchen

Marina Abramovic: The Kitchen

Energie und Mythologie in den Schlangenperformances von Marina Abramovic

Energie und Mythologie in den Schlangenperformances von Marina Abramovic
