Bush's Original Baked Beans, Canned Beans, 28 oz
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Bush's Original Baked Beans, Canned Beans, 28 oz

Product ID: 460398464
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BUSH'S Original Baked Beans, Canned, 28 oz Bush's Original Baked Beans, 28 oz Seasoned with bacon and brown sugar Slow-cooked navy beans with a signature blend of spices Gluten free and cholesterol free 7g (8% DV) of protein and 5g (16% DV) of fiber per serving (See nutrition information for sodium content) Available in 8.3 oz, 16 oz, 55 oz and 117 oz sizes Visit bushbeans.com for delicious, popular recipes! Bush's Grilled Corn Salsa This salsa was created for Bush's BBQ Bootcamp by Steven Raichlen, host of "Steven Raichlen's Project Smoke" on public television. You can easily use ingredients you already have, like leftover grilled corn and Bush's Baked Beans. Ingredients: 4 ears corn, shucked 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil sea salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 green bell pepper 1/2 can (28 oz) Bush's Original Baked Beans 1 large ripe tomato, diced 2 scallions, trimmed and chopped 1 jalapeño, seeded and minced (leave seeds in for spicier salsa) 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice tortilla chips, for serving Directions: Set up well-oiled grill for direct grilling and preheat to high. Brush corn with extra virgin olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Grill corn until browned on all sides, 8-12 minutes, and transfer to cutting board to cool. Grill green pepper until browned on all sides and transfer to cutting board. Cut kernels from corn cobs and seed and dice green pepper. Place in large mixing bowl. Add baked beans, tomato, scallions, jalapeño, cilantro and lime juice. Stir to mix. Serve with tortilla chips. Serve remaining Bush's Baked Beans on the side.

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